"The story of H&S Bakery is a classic American success story. It starts with the Paterakis and Tsakalos families, who came from Greece to make a new and better life. Isadore "Steve" Paterakis came to America in 1921 with his wife, Kyriaki, and their daughters, Despina and Liberty. Their son John was born in 1929. Meanwhile, Roanthi and Nicholas Tsakalos also emigrated from Greece. Their son Harry married Liberty Paterakis, bringing the two families together. In 1943, Harry and Steve, for whom H&S is named, opened a bakery together. They started by making Italian bread by hand and baking it in an old brick flat-hearth oven."
Official Website (HSBakery); http://www.hsbakery.com/index.cfm
Product Review; "Look out for H & S Bakery products at the grocery store (I found their Gourmet line at a dollar store), they have a large variety of bread types and flavors to suit any need, from loaves of Rye to dessert pastries. I couldn't find a place to buy online, so request them at your local grocer today!"