"Naturally and Artificially Flavored. 60 Calories Per Pop, Fat Free Food, Gluten Free Food" -Jelsert

Official Website (Jelsert); https://jelsert.com/product/wylers-authentic-italian-ices-16ct-2oz/
Online Store (Amazon); https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JAEZ3OK/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00JAEZ3OK&linkCode=as2&tag=madeinusare0c-20&linkId=05f15cf2d74e789537937043f1eee9e3
Product Review; "The perfect refreshment for a hot summer day - kids and adults can't deny the icy-sweetness of Italian ice to help relax and cool off. Original flavors include Kiwi, raspberry, orange and lemon - all great flavors (even if they are mainly high fructose corn syrup). A classic treat - thankfully still being produced by Jelsert; a traditional and honored American food manufacturer."
