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OskarBluesBreweryLLC Dale's Rocky Mountain Pale Ale 6.5% ABV (Multiple Sizes)

"Colorado & NC- American Pale Ale- 6.5% ABV. Pours a clear golden-amber color. Aroma is nice & hoppy with notes of pine, grass, citrus, spicy cloves & balancing undertones of sweet malts. Taste is a refreshing blend of grassy, piney & citrusy hops with a touch of caramel malts." -OskarBlues

Product Review; "A premium brewed Stovepipe Pale Ale, clean hoppy and fruity - like so many beers try to be. Goes great with barbecue or some tailgating, just make sure to bring enough, these are easily downable and have a refreshing bright flavor - Cheers!"



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