"We have a wide selection of egg noodles including curly, extruded noodles and flat, sheeted noodles. Widths range from 3/64" to 1/2", thicknesses from .020" to .060" and lengths from 1/2" to 4"."
Official Website; http://zerega.com/egg-noodles.html
Online Store (Walmart)[Overpriced!?]; https://www.walmart.com/ip/A-Zeregas-Sons-Columbia-Egg-Noodles-12-oz/38448002?adid=22222222264426801693&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=b&wl1=o&wl2=c&wl3=74904330799817&wl4=dat-2326704043380979:aud-807615483:loc-190&wl5=103436&wl6=&wl7=43&wl14=a%20zerega%20sons%20columbia%20egg%20noodles&veh=sem&msclkid=74fd9624ded5157ce169cba19786581f
Online Store (Ebay); https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338598986&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F283440251154
Product Review; "Zerega Foods has been making pasta products since 1848, making consistent delicious and healthy meals your grandma probably remembers as a kid. The Egg Noodles are dense and flavorful, really holds the flavor in meat, tomato or buttery garlic recipies. They cook notably slower than other pastas and bring a much different texture. I found these at a grocery store, for really cheap - so healthy, tasty dinners are no problem!"